Cards that are categorised as "Sound"
I remember … having surgery under local anaesthetic and hearing the beeps of the heartrate monitor – it stressed me out as it was going too quickly & I was trying to slow it down by breathing slowly. Mentioned it to surgeon who said ‘ooh I didn’t notice it!’
From 1994
I remember… having my first baby in July 1994 by elective caesarean. I was unable to sleep that evening due to the excitement of finally meeting my beautiful baby, so I put on earphones to listen to the radio, the song playing was “Lucky You” by the Lighting Seeds. I remember thinking Yes, I am really lucky
From Early 2020s
I remember… I had 2 weeks in hospital with coronavirus. There was a man in the bed opposite … A retired policeman (who was also in the ward) said “that man there, be quiet!” and then he was!
From 1970s/80s
I remember… Backdrop to emergencies, 1970s/80s before security. Cursing drunks, occasional fight, screaming children, vomiting, police. London.
I remember… All the different noises
From 1960s
I remember… Clanking of the bed pan machine in 1960s when they were being sterilised. The night junior had the job of cleaning them.
From 1968
I remember lying in the bed listening to cuckoos, when I was having my son. You wouldn’t be able to do that now
I remember… The hospital at night is a time when noises travel down corridors into the ward and the bed-side giving rise to disquiet and disorientation and disturbance that interrupts the desire to sleep.
I remember… My last FMRI scan. The previous time was so noisy, so I’d been told I could bring in my own music. I decided that, as it was so futuristic that I’d listen to David Bowie’s Space Oddity. Big Mistake! The tapping and banging just felt as though I was in a space capsule about to take off. It felt v. lonely. Next time – must bring some happy tunes.
From 2019
I remember… The voice of a Canadian student nurse, who I joked around with – was in hospital for 2 weeks.
I remember… Feeling nauseous, dizzy, as though I was about to faint, feeling scared, loud noises, people talking, machines beeping, feeling confused, cold. But also feeling as though I was safe regardless of the negative feelings & emotions.
From 2007
I remember… The renal ward was an open ward – everyone talked to each other & made friends. It wasn’t ‘noise’.