Sensing Spaces of Healthcare


Cards that are tagged with "Sound"

23 cards found

Memory #69


I remember … having surgery under local anaesthetic and hearing the beeps of the heartrate monitor – it stressed me out as it was going too quickly & I was trying to slow it down by breathing slowly. Mentioned it to surgeon who said ‘ooh I didn’t notice it!’

Memory #66

I remember… Working at … an old imposing asylum – red brick and draconian. Today it still services the psychiatric profession, with an acute ward, two rehabilitation wards, and a psychiatric intensive care unit. But all this means is the industrious have installed new shiny lockable spaces into the decaying cadaver of liathon. The old hospital has its own memories and on a night shift it may share them with you .. The building itself … is an institution. Inside is labyrinth of corridors, stairs to old wards… The past is thick on the walls, white, green, and lines on the floor to help guide to the parts of the hospital you are SAFE to go to. The ceilings are high and white, very clean, and yet somehow a feeling not clean sticks on you when you wank through … Huge old radiators still creak into life powered by a huge boiler in the basement. The place appeared to have two temperatures: chilled to the bone and fever heat … Despite all the effort the place had no “human touch” … Hard, cold & hot, large and exhausting, a place where “touch” was not invited as it either meant you were being assaulted or restrained, never cuddled. One of the more subtle cruelties of the hospital was how it used perspective to really make you feel imprisoned. Apart from the obvious locked wards and imposing buildings, it gave the occupant (staff or resident) a beautiful grounds to look at. Ancient trees, field gardens, flowers, so on. Back in the day this was used for real occupational therapy, where residents would farm and maintain the grounds. The food they grew went on the table, the flowers would decorate the ward. But today’s modern and enlightened mental health … instead, residents would look upon these grounds behind secure windows and only leave once Section 17 was arranged … Due to the cold hard surfaces, there was no such thing as quiet or peaceful, only loud, alert, alarm, scream and scratch, click clack down the corridor, laugh with your mate …One day she will be knocked to flats … That makes me smile, the thought of click clackers of old matron walking through an entire floor of flats.

Memory #59

From 1994

I remember… having my first baby in July 1994 by elective caesarean. I was unable to sleep that evening due to the excitement of finally meeting my beautiful baby, so I put on earphones to listen to the radio, the song playing was “Lucky You” by the Lighting Seeds. I remember thinking Yes, I am really lucky

Memory #58

From Early 2020s

I remember… I had 2 weeks in hospital with coronavirus. There was a man in the bed opposite … A retired policeman (who was also in the ward) said “that man there, be quiet!” and then he was!

Memory #54

From 1970s/80s

I remember… Backdrop to emergencies, 1970s/80s before security. Cursing drunks, occasional fight, screaming children, vomiting, police. London.

Memory #52

I remember… All the different noises

Memory #48

From 1960s

I remember… Clanking of the bed pan machine in 1960s when they were being sterilised. The night junior had the job of cleaning them.

Memory #46

From 1968

I remember lying in the bed listening to cuckoos, when I was having my son. You wouldn’t be able to do that now

Memory #44

I remember… The hospital at night is a time when noises travel down corridors into the ward and the bed-side giving rise to disquiet and disorientation and disturbance that interrupts the desire to sleep.

Memory #41

I remember… My last FMRI scan. The previous time was so noisy, so I’d been told I could bring in my own music. I decided that, as it was so futuristic that I’d listen to David Bowie’s Space Oddity. Big Mistake! The tapping and banging just felt as though I was in a space capsule about to take off. It felt v. lonely. Next time – must bring some happy tunes.

Memory #37

I remember… Antiseptic smell, voices, difference in lighting, some people rushing around, some more relaxed, telephones, equipment sounds

Memory #38

I remember… Feeling nauseous, dizzy, as though I was about to faint, feeling scared, loud noises, people talking, machines beeping, feeling confused, cold. But also feeling as though I was safe regardless of the negative feelings & emotions.